One of the most powerful things in my life is the power of prayer. To me, prayer is not a mindless repetition of words to get God's attention but an earnest conversation with God. The God who gave us the ability to hear has the same ability too, only his hearing is infinitely better in every possible way. So I discovered early in life that God is not only this powerful being who created man (& woman), animals, earth and brought the entire universe into existence but he is also an intimate personal God who cares about each one of us. I went to an Orthodox Christian School in my early life which encouraged me to read the bible for myself. And that is how I discovered that I can have a personal relationship with my creator through his son Jesus. I want to emphasize that I was not taught this in the school, church or family I grew up in. To me, it was not about religion but rather about the truth. Here is the passage that transformed my life, John 1: 1-12:
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
My own conversations with God began at the ripe age of 12 (couple of months shy from 13) after I accepted his son Jesus. I began to have spiritually significant dreams and these are dreams I remember vividly to this day. So my path has begun not as a religious but purely spiritual experience. I remember feeling uncomfortable doing some of the things I used to love to do and I did not know why I would feel that way. So I strarted to ask God if these feelings came from him and I pleaded if they were indeed from him to please give me the strength to change and he did. And as a result, those very things I cherished before had no hold on me. This started a revolution of sorts in my life. Because now I knew that God truly hears and answers prayers. And I prayed about things that were pretty serious and things that were not that significant. But time and again, I saw how God heard my cry for help. It was just mind blowing. I can say that at that point I discovered the key to life which was coming to God with everything including all my heartbreaks and problems.
In the most desperate times of my life, when I needed the presence of God to comfort me and calm my internal storm that is fueled by the fear of the unknown, I have cried out to God and he has in fact answered my prayers. I have also learned to be patient for God does not always answer our prayers on our time which is immediately or in the fashion we would like him to which is to always say YES to our requests because he is a loving father. That might sound strange to some people but let me explain. Loving parents would have to say later or simply no to some of the requests their children make. They do that not because they do not love their children but because they do. They only say yes to their children's request when they are in their children's best interest. In the same way, God says later or simply no to some of our requests because of his infinite love for us. I have asked God for some things in my life so desperately but his answer was no but in hindsight it was the best answer. I am so thankful for a lot of God's no's or even his silences because now I can see for myself that he had something better in mind. But I will be lying if I said to you that I feel this way one hundred percent of the time because I don't. That's when I need to lean on my faith and trust God, even when I don't I understand why God will allow some things in my life, I know that he loves me and he has my best interest at heart.
Prayer is simply a conversation with God. A conversation is not a monologue but rather a dialogue so you have to take time to listen to what God has to say. God speaks through his word and he speaks to our hearts. Sometime he speaks to us through our dreams and sometimes he speaks to us through other people. God speaks all the time if we will only open our ears and hearts to hear him. And prayer is also the greatest form of fellowship because that is a time we open our hearts and pour it all out to God and take time to hear to what he has to say to us.
Whatever your life circumstance is and wherever you are on your path, I encourage you to make time to pray. Prayer holds the key to a triumphant life. If you are tired of being tired, struggling with life's many challenges, I encourage you to come to God with all your struggles. Just open your mouth and tell him what has been bothering you. Just pour your heart to him in simple words. God is not interested in rigid religious practices as much as he is interested in having a relationship with his creation. So talk to God and open your ears and heart so you could hear what he is saying to you. God is always speaking but we tune him out so we are the ones who should learn to get in tune with God so we could hear him speak. I guarantee you that life will be so much better and fuller when you start to converse with God. You will understand that you are not alone on this journey we call life. You have someone who brought you here and he has a purpose for your life. Your conversations with God will lead you to discover your purpose in life and give meaning even to the most painful experiences of your life.
Prayer first changes us. It calms the storm within. It channels joy and peace into our troubled hearts. We feel relieved from all the burdens that are pressing on us. It energizes us. It allows us to appropriate the grace of God. Prayer changes us first before it changes our situations. It moves our hearts before it moves our mountains. I testify to the awesome power of prayer in my own life. When I am weak and feel like I can't take one more day of whatever situation I am in, as soon as I come to God in prayer, it all changes. My situation could be the same but I have the strength and the will to continue on the path God has put me on, not just surviving but thriving through him.
Start praying today and discover the amazing power of prayer!
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. 2 He was with God in the beginning. 3 Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made. 4 In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. 5 The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome[a] it.
6 There was a man sent from God whose name was John. 7 He came as a witness to testify concerning that light, so that through him all might believe. 8 He himself was not the light; he came only as a witness to the light.
9 The true light that gives light to everyone was coming into the world. 10 He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. 11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. 12 Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God
My own conversations with God began at the ripe age of 12 (couple of months shy from 13) after I accepted his son Jesus. I began to have spiritually significant dreams and these are dreams I remember vividly to this day. So my path has begun not as a religious but purely spiritual experience. I remember feeling uncomfortable doing some of the things I used to love to do and I did not know why I would feel that way. So I strarted to ask God if these feelings came from him and I pleaded if they were indeed from him to please give me the strength to change and he did. And as a result, those very things I cherished before had no hold on me. This started a revolution of sorts in my life. Because now I knew that God truly hears and answers prayers. And I prayed about things that were pretty serious and things that were not that significant. But time and again, I saw how God heard my cry for help. It was just mind blowing. I can say that at that point I discovered the key to life which was coming to God with everything including all my heartbreaks and problems.
In the most desperate times of my life, when I needed the presence of God to comfort me and calm my internal storm that is fueled by the fear of the unknown, I have cried out to God and he has in fact answered my prayers. I have also learned to be patient for God does not always answer our prayers on our time which is immediately or in the fashion we would like him to which is to always say YES to our requests because he is a loving father. That might sound strange to some people but let me explain. Loving parents would have to say later or simply no to some of the requests their children make. They do that not because they do not love their children but because they do. They only say yes to their children's request when they are in their children's best interest. In the same way, God says later or simply no to some of our requests because of his infinite love for us. I have asked God for some things in my life so desperately but his answer was no but in hindsight it was the best answer. I am so thankful for a lot of God's no's or even his silences because now I can see for myself that he had something better in mind. But I will be lying if I said to you that I feel this way one hundred percent of the time because I don't. That's when I need to lean on my faith and trust God, even when I don't I understand why God will allow some things in my life, I know that he loves me and he has my best interest at heart.
Prayer is simply a conversation with God. A conversation is not a monologue but rather a dialogue so you have to take time to listen to what God has to say. God speaks through his word and he speaks to our hearts. Sometime he speaks to us through our dreams and sometimes he speaks to us through other people. God speaks all the time if we will only open our ears and hearts to hear him. And prayer is also the greatest form of fellowship because that is a time we open our hearts and pour it all out to God and take time to hear to what he has to say to us.
Whatever your life circumstance is and wherever you are on your path, I encourage you to make time to pray. Prayer holds the key to a triumphant life. If you are tired of being tired, struggling with life's many challenges, I encourage you to come to God with all your struggles. Just open your mouth and tell him what has been bothering you. Just pour your heart to him in simple words. God is not interested in rigid religious practices as much as he is interested in having a relationship with his creation. So talk to God and open your ears and heart so you could hear what he is saying to you. God is always speaking but we tune him out so we are the ones who should learn to get in tune with God so we could hear him speak. I guarantee you that life will be so much better and fuller when you start to converse with God. You will understand that you are not alone on this journey we call life. You have someone who brought you here and he has a purpose for your life. Your conversations with God will lead you to discover your purpose in life and give meaning even to the most painful experiences of your life.
Prayer first changes us. It calms the storm within. It channels joy and peace into our troubled hearts. We feel relieved from all the burdens that are pressing on us. It energizes us. It allows us to appropriate the grace of God. Prayer changes us first before it changes our situations. It moves our hearts before it moves our mountains. I testify to the awesome power of prayer in my own life. When I am weak and feel like I can't take one more day of whatever situation I am in, as soon as I come to God in prayer, it all changes. My situation could be the same but I have the strength and the will to continue on the path God has put me on, not just surviving but thriving through him.
Start praying today and discover the amazing power of prayer!