Peace is not having your life in perfect harmony or even having a blissful life. Peace does not come with the accumulation of wealth, though money can certainly buy things that facilitate a comfortable or even a luxurious life. Peace does not come with power, though power can give us status in society. Peace does not come with the achievement of our wildest dreams, though the realization of our dreams will certainly bring its own benefits and add to our happiness. So how can we have peace or experience undisturbed peace in our lives?
I have found that peace comes from the realization that life is not ours to control and accept our misfortunes along with our many blessings. As we embrace our life without a need for explanation, then a sense of peace starts to come over us. But the most complete peace that I have experienced came from trusting in someone. As I chose to trust in the person of Jesus, in his power to save and accepted his lordship over my life and surrendered, peace like a river washed over my soul and took residence there within since that moment of time. Jesus promised in the gospel of John 14:27, "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.” I testify to the validity and truthfulness of Jesus' promise as I have experienced this Peace in my own life.
My life has not been easy or trouble free but in the ups and downs of life I have a distinct sense of being grounded in spite of the curve balls life continues to throw my way. I sense the feeling of anxiousness start to take hold as I try to control my life, but peace is waiting in a garb of trust, acceptance and surrender. Surrender is not a word that is frequently used or even appreciated as it is met with a foreboding that it implicates one has given up the fight of life or lacks zeal of life. Though it may seem that way, in the most trying times of my life, I have learned that peace doesn’t come in fighting harder or smarter but in surrendering to the will of the Lord. I will be lying to you if I tell you that my life is one picture of surrender and acceptance but quite to the contrary it is marred by struggle to accept with an ongoing fight between my ego (my flesh) and my spirit. But nevertheless, I have enjoyed peace that passes human understanding, peace promised by our dear Lord to the extent of my willingness to surrender and simply trust that everything will eventually work out for my good. And this trust and belief comes from the knowledge that our savior lives and he is faithful to the end of time.
My life has not been easy or trouble free but in the ups and downs of life I have a distinct sense of being grounded in spite of the curve balls life continues to throw my way. I sense the feeling of anxiousness start to take hold as I try to control my life, but peace is waiting in a garb of trust, acceptance and surrender. Surrender is not a word that is frequently used or even appreciated as it is met with a foreboding that it implicates one has given up the fight of life or lacks zeal of life. Though it may seem that way, in the most trying times of my life, I have learned that peace doesn’t come in fighting harder or smarter but in surrendering to the will of the Lord. I will be lying to you if I tell you that my life is one picture of surrender and acceptance but quite to the contrary it is marred by struggle to accept with an ongoing fight between my ego (my flesh) and my spirit. But nevertheless, I have enjoyed peace that passes human understanding, peace promised by our dear Lord to the extent of my willingness to surrender and simply trust that everything will eventually work out for my good. And this trust and belief comes from the knowledge that our savior lives and he is faithful to the end of time.
To some readers this may sound a very narrow minded view of the world and life in general. Certainly, such outrageous claims cannot be true, right? Well, it is definitely a narrow path but one that completely transforms a person’s life. A surrendered heart is a heart filled with undisturbed peace in times of great success as well as great loss. Peace is not a commodity that can be purchased but peace is a gift from our creator when we open our hearts to completely trust him. So if you are a believer who has already made the decision to surrender your life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, but still struggle with lack of peace in your life, one of the following could apply to you:
· Unable to fully surrender your life
· Trying to control the outcomes to your life’s circumstances
· Unable to fully trust God with everything
· Questioning ‘why’ as you go through hardship or unexpected loss
· Trying to make sense of everything, current reality or past experience
All the above will lead to more anxiety and lack of peace. Today, I encourage you to completely let go of all your inhibitions and fears especially fear of loss of control over your life as you open your heart to simply trust in God. If you have not made that decision, I would certainly invite you to give it a serious consideration.........this is not an invitation to change your religion or place of worship but rather an invitation to a change of heart which will ultimately result in change of life. I promise you, if nothing else in this life, you will experience the peace that comes from trusting and surrendering your life to God.
As for me and my household, I have chosen to trust and surrender - one day at a time. It's a daily journey but of faith. I share this with you today because I have sought many avenues in the past to find peace but none or no one has been able to give me peace except God.
Peace - Shalom in Hebrew and Selam in Amharic (my mother toung) and in Arabic!
Peace - Shalom in Hebrew and Selam in Amharic (my mother toung) and in Arabic!
Oh Elle, what a beautiful post. Peace flowed over me too, like a river, and it still does. I think you nailed this subject on the head - peace doesn't mean you stop having troubles, it means that you are grounded in the midst of the storm, grounded by Christ. Praise Him!
ReplyDeleteThank you for writing this, Elle :)
Thank you! It is always so encouraging to hear your feedback. I enjoyed writing it because it is my real life experience. We have such an awesome God who is faithful and true; our Lord reigns in eternal peace!
ReplyDeleteBeautifully stated! I felt a sense of wisdom and much understanding exuding forth by reading this. Peace is an important part of my being. It is priceless and as you so eloquently stated, it comes from one source, God! It is so assuring to know that the Holy Spirit used you to write these words because it ministered to my soul. Keep it flowing!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and Peace,
Thank you, LaKenya. It's a blessing to hear feedback like yours; I too believe it's Him who does his good works through us. God bless you for your encouraging words.