How big is your God? Can he do the impossible? Can he perform miracles? Can he bring the dead back to life? Can he help you pay your bills? Can he heal your broken heart? Can he answer your prayers? Can he give you joy inspite of all your troubles? Today my question to myself and everyone out there is - 'how big is your God?' God is real. He is personal. He is interested in what happens in my world. He loves and comforts me. He provides for all my everyday needs. I have been through the deepest valley and some mountain tops in my life but through it all, my God has been my reason for my being. He has sustained me in everything. My God has not only sustained me but his grace was sufficient for me to thrive not just survive. So you see, my testimony is surely my God is awesome! My God is bigger than life itself.
My God is definitely big! He is bigger than all my troubles - past and present. My God is bigger than whatever I face in life. My God is the reason I am filled with joy and I wake up every morning without a dread in my heart. In spite of what has been and is - my God gives me a reason to hope, a reason to sing, a reason to be joyful, a reason to be resilient, a reason to persevere, a reason to have faith, a reason press on - regardless of my present reality.
So again I ask you, how big is your God? Is he big enough and real enough to put your hopes in and to stand on and believe in? Is he just part of your religious practices or is he alive in your heart? Who is your God and what does he mean to you? How real is he and how big is he in your life? Just something to ponder on..........
The God of the bible is still alive and well. He still performs miracles. He still does the 'impossible'. He still parts the 'red sea' and he still raises 'the dead' back to life. God is real. God is awesome. There is nothing impossible, there is nothing too hard that he cannot do. Words do not have the capacity to express all that he is in all his awesomeness, wonder and glorious splendor but to say that he is indeed a 'big' God is understatement of who he is.
So the question remains, how big is your God? Do you know how big he is and how awesome he is? Is your faith in the true God of the bible who is more than able to perform miracles? Do you know the one who gives ife and sustains it?
My testimony today is simply - my God is big!He is bigger than life itself! God is real. He is personal. He is interested in what happens in my world. He loves and comforts me. He provides for all my everyday needs. I have been through the deepest valley and some mountain tops in my life but through it all, my God has been my reason for my being. He has sustained me in everything. My God has not only sustained me but his grace was sufficient for me to thrive not just survive. So you see, my testimony is surely my God is awesome! My God is bigger than life itself.
My God is definitely big! He is bigger than all my troubles - past and present. My God is bigger than whatever I face in life. My God is the reason I am filled with joy and I wake up every morning without a dread in my heart. In spite of what has been and is - my God gives me a reason to hope, a reason to sing, a reason to be joyful, a reason to be resilient, a reason to persevere, a reason to have faith, a reason press on - regardless of my present reality.
So again I ask you, how big is your God? Is he big enough and real enough to put your hopes in and to stand on and believe in? Is he just part of your religious practices or is he alive in your heart? Who is your God and what does he mean to you? How real is he and how big is he in your life? Just something to ponder on..........
The God of the bible is still alive and well. He still performs miracles. He still does the 'impossible'. He still parts the 'red sea' and he still raises 'the dead' back to life. God is real. God is awesome. There is nothing impossible, there is nothing too hard that he cannot do. Words do not have the capacity to express all that he is in all his awesomeness, wonder and glorious splendor but to say that he is indeed a 'big' God is understatement of who he is.
So the question remains, how big is your God? Do you know how big he is and how awesome he is? Is your faith in the true God of the bible who is more than able to perform miracles? Do you know the one who gives ife and sustains it?
My testimony today is simply - my God is big!He is bigger than life itself!
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