Wild Flowers

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

After a Long Silence............Glad to be Back!!!

My last post was well over three years ago. So why the long silence? Well, I was going through a lot of changes in my personal life; some wonderful and some challenging ones. In all this time, I have thought about blogging numerous times but it seemed like there was always something in the way. So what changed now? Not much really except I did. It downed on me there is no such thing as a perfect time to do anything. I knew in my heart it is important for me to write and there is no better time than now. So here I am! I hope I have something meaningful to say.

Let me be a little more personal for a moment here. The biggest adjustment in my life and the one amazing journey that I have been on for the last three years is motherhood. I am now a mother of two sweet little angels that completely disarm me with their charm. I have always wanted to be a mother for as long as I can remember. When I was young and folks asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up; I always knew I wanted to be a mom and be a writer. Like anything in life, motherhood has its own ups and downs but the ups are so much more rewarding that the downs seem somewhat insignificant. I have been a stay-at-home mom which has been a blessing as I get to spend quality time with my little ones and get to take care of them. But staying at home after being a career woman for most of my adult life was challenging to say the least. It actually took me by surprise because I thought I would enjoy it more than anything. But to my amazement, it was a big adjustment. Now I am happy to report that I am in a good place enjoying this season of my life in a spirit of mindful gratitude.

I love to write and I am excited to be back. I hope you will read my blog and give me feedback.


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